Project number: 2016-1-DE02-KA202-003336
Implementation period: 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2019
Project description
The main aim of the project was to address the need for intercultural competencies in pre-clinical emergency care, because due to the high influx of migrants and asylum seekers paramedics reported more problems in their work with patients due to cultural/religious peculiarities of the patients.
Intercultural competencies in a globalized world are a major key competence. To support the intercultural competencies of paramedics partners wanted to create blended learning course fitted to their needs and a mobile app with relevant emergency information to support them in their work.
The aims and objectives of the BICAS project were:
- Increased intercultural competencies of paramedics through a blended learning approach adopted for further and initial training, applying ECVET criteria;
- A Quick Reference in Action mobile application supporting paramedics in their daily work by providing easy accessible and important cultural background information;
- Facilitation of the work of paramedics through lower stress levels thanks to better intercultural understanding and ability to act accordingly;
- Increased stakeholder (health authorities, ambulance services, training providers) and beneficiary (migrants) awareness of the topic and role of emergency services.
Project website: bicas-online.eu
Die Johanniter (coordinator) – Berlin, Germany
Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft – Leipzig, Germany
JOAFG – Wien, Austria
ANDALUCÍA ACOGE – Sevilla, Spain
Danmar Computers Sp z o.o. – Rzeszow, Poland
Euro Project Lab S.r.l.s. – Ferrara, Italy

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