Gaining Educational Training Analysis For Identifying Cross Border Systems – GETAFIX
Project number: 2011-1-ES1-LEO04-36080 3
Implementation period: 08.2011 – 07.2013
Project description
The aim of the project was to analyze the qualifications of masters of the European Union maritime workers in the field of small commercial vessels. These qualifications obtained in one Member State are not recognized by the authorities of other EU Member States. Each country runs a different curriculum using various standards, regulations, and levels of sophistication.
As the professional / commercial qualifications are not widely accepted in all Member States, it imposes restrictions on qualified staff, both trainers and trainees as employees, resulting in significant labor mobility problem. The result of the project was establish the scale of the problem of the lack of recognition of professional qualifications, comparing data collection systems of all Member States in order to show the similarities and differences between the systems and the exchange of experiences between partner organizations and to find best practices. The project generated discussion on ECVET. More information can be found on the project website:
Sea Teach S.L. – Mallorca, Spain (coordinator)
Teachsport CIC Limited – London, UK
Danmar Computers – Rzeszow, Poland
Piri Reis Denizcilik Anadolu Meslek Lisesi – Istanbul, Turkey
Centre for Factories of the future (C4FF) – Coventry, UK
SeeBär GBR – Hamburg, Germany
Sürmene Türk Telekom Denizcik Anadolu ve Meslek Lisesi – Trabzon, Turkey