Activity Based Learning and Entertainment: Lifelong Learning Challenges in the Digital Age – ABLE
Project number: 2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24311 5
Implementation period: 08.2011 – 07.2013
Project description
The aim of the project was to share knowledge and good practises in the field of the most modern and effective ways of teaching/learning with using innovative IT and multimedia technologies focusing on e-learning, m-learning, gaming and simulation. The project was designed for young generation that is familiar with IT and new technologies but lacking the knowledge of how to use them in their studies and professional lives; highly qualified professionals, raised in the pre-digital age and who need to adapt to the latest technologies; disadvantaged people perceiving a chance for social inclusion in using and implementing new technologies to support their professional life and educational institutions.
Moreover, IT tool developers were also contributed by providing guidelines based on study visits and brainstorming sessions. The partnership had organized transnational meetings such as seminars and workshops which focused on different thematic areas of new technologies in VET. The project promoted e-learning, re-viewing the traditional educational models for digital generation workforce by incorporating entertaining ICT tools into VET. It encouraged trainers and educators to review teaching and training methods by switching focus from traditional to innovative methods as well as expanding from e-learning to m-learning, gaming and simulation. Thanks to the multinational aspect of the partnership each participant offered the opportunity to discover what is being done in different European countries on this subject. More information can be found at the project’s website able-project.eu.
Cukurova Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Adana, Turkey (coordinator)
Association “Citizens for Public Initiatives “St. Peter and Pavel” – Lyaskovetz, Bulgaria
Club Life Long Learning – Innsbruck, Austria
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Directorate of NationaL Education – Niksar, Turkey
Muradiye Girl Technical and Engineering High School – Van, Turkey
Polo Informatico – Vasto, Italy
Staffordshire University – Stafford, UK
University of Évora – Evora, Portugal