ICT-Supported Vocational Training in EU Standardization for Hi-Tech SMEs in the Software and Networking Sectors – ICTinSME
Project number: BG/05/B/F/PP-166029
Implementation period: 10.2005 – 09.2007
Project description
The main objective of the project was to carry out research and development of training needs and to elaborate training system in the field of European standards based on the results of this research. Training was offered with the use of information technology and dedicated to companies in the SME sector with high profile technology (hi-tech) operating in the areas of software development and networking.
In addition to the training material available on the e-learning platform, the project also developed other training materials: training programs, manuals and CD-ROM. Training topics included on the European and international standards in the field of software, networks, and standards for language teaching languages: English and German.
Ascymiry Soft – Gabrovo, Bulgaria (coordinator)
Danmar Computers – Rzeszow, Poland
Diakrisi – Iraklion, Greece
Entente – Birmingham, United Kingdom
Technical University of Gabrovo – Gabrovo, Bulgaria
WBS Training AG – Dresden, Germany