The DARE project promotional event was a seminar on mobility projects of inclusion focusing on young people with visual, hearing and physical impairments. It Poland it was divided into two smaller events and took place at the end of May 2021 with the purpose of gathering target audience to listen about the key project developments, find out about the results that they can use, exchange knowledge and experience with other participants, and find out more about the DARE project. It was also for provoking attention on the importance of inclusion for equal participation in mobilities and in social activities in general.
All developed results were shared and promoted, covering the DARE Practical Guide of Inclusion, DARE Digital Storytelling Handbook of Empowerment, Truth and DARE Space and the DARE mobile app. The event was also for providing space for networking, as well as provoking interest on Erasmus+ projects.
Thank you for everyone’s participation.
Check out the project results through the project website: