VALE – workshop in Rzeszów

3The third workshop of VALE partnership took place in Rzeszow, Poland, on 26-27 September, 2014. Representatives from Cyprus, Spain, France and Poland participated in the workshop forseen.

The first discussion was on the results of the meetings with focus groups in each countries and their view on the issue of recognition of leadership qualifications. The workshop continued with a review of the qualifications developed during the 2nd workshop and applying changes that were suggested by the focus groups.

The second part of the workshop was devoted to work on the Leadership Skills Porfolio – its content, mechanisms and presentation. The final version of the portfolio will be available on-line and shall give the entrepreneurial women an opportunity to undergo self-assessment and peer/superior assessment of their leadership skills.

  The partners agreed on the time of the next workshop which will take place in April 2015, in Las Palmas.



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.