Meeting in Bordeaux – VALE project

A small number of women in managing roles in the EU is a serious socio-economic problem. In mid-November (14 and 15th), Danmar initiated a partnership in VALE (Validating Leadership Experiences for Female Mobilities) project which is devoted to this problem.The first meeting was held in Bordeaux, France. Partners from Spain and Cyprus did also arrive. The main aim of the meetin...

Meeting in Pamplona – KEYCOACH project

The first meeting of KEYCOACH project took place on November 18th-19th, in Pamplona, Spain. The hosts from AIM have welcomed partners from Portugal, Belgium, Romania, Lithuania, Austria and Poland. It was a kick-off meeting and its main purpose was to meet the partners and make initial arrangements for the project. The first day of the meeting was almost entirely devoted to the...

Kick-off meeting – EPIC project

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5 and 6 November 2013 Danmar Computers had the pleasure to host partners in the project EPIC (Enhancing and Promoting International Business Communication). Our partners came from Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Italy and the UK. It was the first meeting in framework of the project. Partners had the opportunity to get to know each other and their institutions. Then presented the mai...