Meeting in Vejle – H&S@work

The sixth meeting of partners in H&S@work - Getting Health & Safety Across Europe project took place on 19th and 20th of May in Vejle, Denmark. With the exception of the French partner, all partners were present.The final stage of the project is already underway. Partners discussed matters related to successful delivery of all planned results and adjustments that need to be mad...

Meeting in Rzeszów – NTVIS

We wish to inform you that on 7th April a meeting in framework of the NTVIS project took place in Rzeszow. The purpose of the meeting was to summarize previous work (each of the partners confirmed and documented the conduct of planned trans-generational meetings between young people and seniors). As a result of the discussions there were developed the first applications that w...

PECOS4SMEs – meeting in Milan

On 07-08 of May, 2014, partners in PECOS4SMEs (Personalised e-Commerce Strategies for SMEs) project assembled for the 3rd project meeting, which was held in Milan, Italy. Project partners met in Italy in order to assess the progress that has been made in the framweork of PECOS4SMEs project so far and to establish sets of actions for the final stage of the project.PECOS4SMEs is ...

Meeting in Rzeszow – CREDNET

On 15-16 of April, 2014, partners in project CREDNET assembled for the 5th project meeting, which was held in Rzeszów, Poland. Members from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovenia were present. The matters discussed were related to the final stages of the project. The partners highlighted the need to increase stakeholders' involvement and came up with ideas ...

Meeting in Cyprus – VALE project

On April, 25th and 26th, the second meeting in the scope of VALE (Validating Leadership Experiences for Female Mobilities) project was held. The project tries to address the problem of small representation of women in companies' boards.The aim of the meeting was to investigate different characteristics of a leader, based on the approach in adult education systems in each partic...

Newsletter #1 – BADGE

We present the first issue of the newsletter design. Newsletter was created as part of the project BADGE - Training of business advice for women entrepreneurs, and allows us to bring the idea of ​​the project, its purpose and the need for implementation. You can also find minute description of the results of research carried out in the project for a group of women doubly exclud...

28 kwietnia 2014 – Światowym Dniem Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy

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W Polsce Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy został ustanowiony w 2003 roku przez Sejm RP. Jak co roku, zarówno w Polsce jak i Europie tego dnia organizowane będą obchody. A my korzystając z okazji chcemy poinformować o realizowanym przez Danmar Computers projekcie pt. „Getting Health & Safety Across Europe – H&S@work”. Projekt realizowany jest w ram...

EPIC – meeting in Bath, UK

According to the results of the ELAN report, there is a link between linguistic and cultural adaptation and increase of turnover. Although it is not a “cause and effect” relationship, it is worth to pay attention to that. It has become a leitmotif of the project "Enhancing and Promoting International Business Communication - EPIC ".On 11th-13th March in Bath (United Kingdom) he...

KeyCoach Project – Bruges

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On 11 and 12 March this year, delegation of three persons from Danmar Computers visited Bruges (Belgium) taking part in the next meeting of the partners in the project KeyCoach. The two-day meeting was an opportunity for the presentation of research results, needs of the target groups, as well as to determine the next steps in the project. Special attention was paid to the tech...

AP in Österreich – export of AdminProject system on Austrian market

Soon our proprietary project management system AdminProject will speak in another language! Currently, intensive work, after which the system interface will also be available in German. With the help of the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland we conduct activities that support the input of our product on the Austrian market. This involves the implementation of plann...