Mall Guide – second project’s meeting in Athens

The second MallGuide project’s meeting, hosted by APC, took place in Athens, on 13th and 14th of April, 2016. The project aims at helping language teachers in implementing online language tools in their teaching and improve their ICT skills. The meeting began with partners’ summary of the project’s activities and plans for next few months. The online catalogue O1 was present...

Print Stem – 5th meeting in Chania

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In the beautiful city of Chania (Greece), on the 14th and 15th of April 2016, all the partners from Print Stem  project met for the fifth time to discuss the project’s progress and plan the future activities. The meeting was very productive and the first day it started at 10 and finished at 19:30. There was a special guest invited – a representative of Educational Department...

The second issue of Print Stem newsletter is available

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From the newsletter you will learn on the latest news, the fourth partners' meeting in Rzeszów, achievement of the project's outputs and about the next project's meeting. Newsletter #2  This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use...

The latest news on printing industry in Poland

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While implementing InMinds project, which aims at supporting printing industry facing dynamically changing reality, we are constantly following any news concerning this sector. An event not to miss and the largest of the type in Europe is RemaDays – International Advertising and Printing Fair in Warsaw. During the fair, there is a possibility to not only to know the latest prod...

“Ready to work – Go!”

Dear All, We are pleased to inform you that Danmar Computers is preparing for the implementation of another project “Ready to work - Go! Individual and complex professional activation of young people up to 24 years of age (NEET)”. This project is funded under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development. (Axis I Young people on the labour market, Objective 1.2 ...

Another result of the GOLIC project was prepared

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Dear All, We are pleased to inform you that within the GOLIC project another result was prepared. 10 modules of language courses profiled in terms of content accurately for tourist guides were finally completed within the project. It is a qualitative and essential core of the main result, m-learning content delivery space for the tourist guides. Modules were prepared on ...

InMinds – Meeting in London

On 26th February in London, the third partners’ meeting was held in the framework of InMinds project. The aim of the project is to create and deliver innovative methodology and training contents for the employees of printing industry. The host of the meeting was BPIF (British Printing Industries Federation). The participants of the meeting summarized the project’s implementati...

Survey Be Say Do – InMinds Project

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Within InMinds project, a questionnaire was prepared, aiming at researching professional skills of the workers in printing and publishing sector, as well as the demand of this sector for a specific skills. The questionnaires will be sent to companies operating in the printing sector. Information included in the questionnaires will remain confidential. Based on the results of th...

EntrInno project – focus groups

On the 2nd February 2016 at the premises of Danmar Computers in Rzeszów, focus groups meeting within the Entrinno project was held. The participants were divided into two teams: stakeholders and the target group (young adult EU citizens, 18-35 years old). The expert group consisted of practitioners, entrepreneurs, university teachers, while in the other group (target group) the...

VOCAL-Medical – Final conference

On 14th and 15th January 2016 in Cracow the last meeting within in VOCAL-Medical project took place, which aims at overcoming language barriers in the medical sector. The first day began with a meeting, which was held in Wyspianski Hotel. Partners exchanged experiences acquired during project execution. They presented results and feedback gathered after the testing phase. Af...