The COMP-UP project has its logo

Logo of COMP-UP project selected! Here's what it looks like. As a reminder… Our project is addressed to: Low-skilled, low-qualified, unemployed young adults, Adult educators/ adult training organisations. If you belong to the above groups or are interested in the project, go to:

Successful workshop / CORAL project

The objective of the EASW workshop organized on March 9, 2020 in Rzeszow (Poland) was to debate on priorities to boost employability and entrepreneurship skills of long-term unemployed adults. Discussions included the identification of key competences required on the labour market, taking into account the ENTRECOMP model. In total 20 external participants contributed and ...

There is already 1 Newsletter about the Go-Digital project!

There is already 1 Newsletter about the Go-Digital project! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the content. You can find here general information about the project and a short account of the first partner meeting. Download Stay tuned! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the a...

We invite you to read 1 Newsletter of the DigiEU project!

We invite you to read 1 Newsletter of the DigiEU project! And in it: general information about the project, short report from the first meeting in Trani, information about the partners' tasks in the nearest future, links where you can find out more about the project. Download Stay tuned! This project has been funded with support from the European C...

2nd ISO Project Partnership meeting

This time the partners met at the end of February (27-28 February) in Naples. They summed up the activities so far and established a schedule of work on the next result of the project. Next partner meeting -> Tralee, Ireland: 22nd/23rd of June This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of th...

BOOST4YOUTH newsletter – third edition

You are probably wondering what has been going on in the BOOST4YOUTH project. It has been a busy period, finalizing the online platform design and development. If you haven’t checked the topics we are concentrating on in our training, you much look into our newsletter. You will also find other updates on the project activities. DOWNLOAD Enjoy the read! This ...

Invitation to workshops

Danmar Computer invites: entrepreneurs; experts (professional job coaches, labour office representatives); beneficiaries (unemployed, job seekers); public/private employment services; to participate in workshops organized on 09.03.2020 from 9:00 to 17:00 at Hotel Hubertus (Rzeszów, Mickiewicza 5). The workshop will consist of 5 phases: 1) Introduction ...

DIGICULTS – #1 press release

The first press release was created for our DIGICULTS project. It informs on the main objectives of the project and consist information about the expected results; We invite you to familiarize yourself with its content: DOWNLOAD Have a nice reading. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views on...

VALITS 2.0 first newsletter!

We would like to welcome you to the first edition of the VALITS 2.0 newsletter. Find out about the project assumptions, areas of research and a summary from the first transnational meeting. More information soon! DOWNLOAD A brief on VALITS 2.0 is also available through Damnar’s website: ...


Recently, since on the 18th and 19th of February, DANMAR COMPUTERS hosted the third transnational partnership meeting within the Erasmus+ project entitled DARE: DisAble the barRiErs. Representatives from all partnering in the project organisations travelled to Poland to discuss the progress of works and plan further project development, coordinated by Jugend- & Kulturpro...