Valits 2.0 – Newsletter #2

We invite you to read the latest Valits 2.0 project newsletter, which provides information on the current project progress. Do you want to receive the latest news about the project? Subscribe on the VALITS 2.0! > < Download Newsletter This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects t...

Sustrainy – First Newsletter

Find out description about the project assumptions, areas of research and project goals. More information to come soon! DOWNLOAD This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein...

Press release – end of BOOST4youth project

The BOOST4Youth has project successfully ended on the 2nd of September with the last project event being held at the Trsat Castle in Rijeka, Croatia. In compliance with all recommendations and epidemiological measures, the event organiser, PAR University College, prepared an interesting agenda for the participants. The aim of the event was to present the project results and ...

BOOST4YOUTH newsletter – last edition

The 2-year Erasmus+ project BOOST4YOUTH came to an end. What have we been doing from the last edition of the newsletter? It has been a busy period, during which we introduced improvements to online learning platform and organized multiplier events in all countries of the partnership. From the newsletter you will also find out about the BOOST4youth Academy. We invite...

START IN presentation

The results of the START IN project were presented 13.07.2020 to an audience of teachers, trainers and educators, representatives of universities, VET institutions and training companies. Main parts included the introduction to the mobile apps and e-learning platform developed in the project, as well as opinions from the National Expert Committee and feedback from participants ...

CRAFTS 3.0 Event in Poland

The Polish national multiplier event of the CRAFTS 3.0 project was organized May 22, 2020 in Rzeszow. The half day event gathered educators, professionals, trainers, representatives of the national expert committee and regional stakeholders – including representatives from the Rzeszow Regional Development Agency and University staff. The host, Danmar Computers, presented the pr...

Website of COMP-UP project

We would like to inform that the website of COMP-UP project is available in English, but also has been translated into national languages of the partners (Polish, German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Swedish and Hungarian). Please visit the project website for more details. This project has been funded with support from the European Com...

IN_DIGIT – issue 3

This newsletter is especially focused on the piloting of the e-learning platform. You will find different opinions collected by partners will the execution of this activity. Interested about remarks from Poland? "The training is good for learners who want to increase their knowledge within entrepreneurship." "I recommend the training because it is diverse in the choice...

SILVER+ Multiplier Event

The Polish Multiplier Event was organized 21.08.2020 at the Environmental Self-Help House in Mogielnica, located near Rzeszow. It was an opportunity to gather trainers, psychologists and those working with disabled adults, but also individual health care providers and potential beneficiaries of the SILVER+ project. The event included guest speeches and a networking session, add...

BOOST4youth Second Event

On the 14th of August, 2020, Danmar Computers organized a second multiplier event in the BOOST4youth project. Although the event was targeted at the same profile of participants as the first event (organized in January the same year), it was a more detailed presentation of the project results – since they have been finalized. Individuals from the agro, real estate and tourism s...