During the today’s online meeting project partners focused on the further development of the last – third Intellectual Output which is mobile app for startups. ISO mobile app will ensure personalized training pathways by initially testing the knowledge and awareness of Internationalization processes among startupers. The “ISO for startups” will also elaborate a personalised strategy for the startuper to be able to address the weak points and empower its approach to Internationalization processes.
The ISO mobile app will contain:
– Self-assessment panel concerning internationalization processes in SMEs,
– Training pathway on 3 levels of advancement on the results of self-assessment,
– Strategy maker panel.
The first two results – Internationalization Service Officer profession manual and Videocasts for SMEs concerning internationalization processes are already finished and will be evaluated by VET trainers and Economic and Industrial Chambers employees.
At the end of June the project partners are planning to meet on LTTA organised in Italy. Those of them who can freely travel abroad nowadays will represent their organisations.