Project number: 2021 – 1 – FR01 – KA220 – VET – 000029506
Implementation period: 09.01.2022 – 09.01.2024
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
New Work Culture is a project whose main goal is to support SMEs, VET trainers and employees in the digital transformation that is taking place in the work environment. In this environment, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, companies have accelerated their digitization: both methods and workplaces have changed. The project aims to create a training program for trainers, employees and HR professionals to support them in developing the skills needed in the new digital world of work.
The project will produce 5 Results
Target groups:
- HR managers from the public and private sectors
- VET Trainers
- Employees
Project results:
- R1: NWC Training Kit – consisting of teaching materials, practical activities, tips and resources to support VET trainers in planning their own teaching activities in different environments (formal, informal) based on their needs.
- R2 Team Management Guide – the main goal of the guide will be to train managers and HR experts in organizations on how to work more effectively with employees, including in remote environments, to bring team members closer to achieving their goals.
- R3 Case Studies – the result aims to showcase some of the positive practices of flexible work and outline a wide range of topics.
- R4 e-Learning Hub – this will be an online environment where all training materials developed under the project will be available as Open Educational Resources (OER)
- R5 Strategy Document – the goal of the result will be to create a document for VET trainers and managers from the public and private sector with a strategy that will allow them to maintain a competent and trained workforce.
Association de Gestion des Fonds Europeens – Cergy, France (coordinator)
A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd – Nicosia, Cyprus
Danmar Computers Sp. Z o. o. – Rzeszów, Poland
Stichting Business Development – Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Forum Citoyens – Burges asbl – Brussels, Belgium
Med.O.R.O. scarl – Catania, Italy
G12 Grupo Empresarial de Servicios, S.L. – Vigo, Spain
Project website: https://newworkculture.erasmus.site/