Project number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000031187
Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 01.12.2024
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
The main goal of the ESDGs! Is to expand the teaching of entrepreneurship that implements the current issues in the form of SDGs goals. This will lead to increased awareness in the context of sustainability and entrepreneurship issues. The project ESDGs! focuses on implementing the principles of sustainable development and the SDGs in teaching in terms of creating new entrepreneurial solutions and business models (linked to national development priorities and trends) or in terms of modifying strategies in existing entrepreneurial solutions and business models. This learning module will heavily incorporate and utilize digital trends and modern distance learning tools. The use of these tools reflects not only the needs that have arisen due to the current and ongoing pandemic, but also the overall growing trend of actively incorporating these tools into education.
Target groups:
The main target group for the projct are University students, but also the general public (adults) who will complete the MOOC course.
Project results:
- R1: Library of educational lectures and practical assignments
This result is referred to as a library of educational lectures and practical assignments and will include several teaching materials. The project will explore appropriate methods for creating courses based on mapping and reviewing scientific literature, and then create teaching materials for students. Part of these materials will be a manual and a toolkit for teachers to facilitate the use of the materials, also outside the project partnership. A proposal for a curriculum innovation will also be presented. This will result in a pilot full-time course in university teaching. As part of the pilot, the impact of the course on its participants will be measured and – based on a survey – feedback will be evaluated. The teaching materials for both forms of the course will then be modified accordingly.
- R2: Open/online/digital education – Massive Open Online Course
This result will focus on transforming learning materials into digital form using innovative tools suitable for distance learning. On this basis, an online learning platform will be developed that will be accessible to the general public. As part of this outcome, a pilot will be conducted for a residential course in university teaching. The pilot will measure the impact of the course on its participants, and feedback will be assessed through a survey. The teaching materials for both forms of the course will then be modified accordingly.
University of West Bohemia – Pilzno, Czech Republic (coordinator)
University of Madeira – Funchal, Portugal
University of Zagreb – Zagreb, Croatia
Technical University of Ostrava – Ostrava, Czech Republic
Häme University of Applied Sciences – Hameenlinna, Finland
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden – Amberg, Germany
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
University of Extremadura – Badajoz, Spain
Project website: https://esdgs.erasmus.site/