Project number: 2021-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000028987
Implementation period: 03.01.2022 – 03.07.2024
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
The project’s main goal is to improve the employability skills and work opportunities for Culture and Creative Young Professionals (CCYPs) working and/or living in rural areas and to reduce the existing gap between the educational world and labour market by diversification of career paths and skills recognition. Essentially with this improvement CCYPs will have the opportunity to have increased access to national and EU funding programmes which will enable them to start their own company, or share their artistic know-how in projects for fostering arts and culture in education or even using art and culture as a means to achieve the objectives of several EU programmes, for example the AMIF or CERV programmes. In addition, the project aims to provide the CCYPs with the opportunity to exchange best-practises and know-how and at the same time connect with business partners and cultural and artistic institutions on a national or European level.
The Empowering Culture trough Business project consists of 4 Results.
Target groups:
The main target group for the projct are Culture and Creative Young Proesionals working and/or living in rural areas, but also SMEs and Associations from Culture and Creative Industry, local authorities in rural areas.
Project results:
- R1: The Empowering Culture Report
The outcome will focus on research and analysis to explore career paths, including entrepreneurship, nature of income, market impact, access to finance, social security and cross-border mobility of CCYPs who live and/or work in rural or remote areas among partner countries
- R2: The Empowering Culture training course
The outcome will focus on designing and creating a training course, as well as defining and implementing the most effective teaching methods.
- R3: The Empowering Culture Guide
The main objective of this result is to develop a guide that will provide the target group with all the necessary information on EU and national funding opportunities, as well as informing them about all possible opportunities for cooperation.
- R4: The Empowering Culture Platform
The e-learning platform will collect learning materials that will be created in the project.
Emporiko kai Biomixaniko Epimelitirio Lefkosias – Nicosia, Cyprus (coordinator)
European Office of Cyprus – Lefkosia, Cyprus
Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Crative – Matera, Italy
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Catro Bulgaria – Sofia, Bulgaria
Project website: https://empoweringculture.business/