Project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000087842
Implementation period: 01.10.2022 – 31.01.2025
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
In recent years, assistive technology and adult education have advanced by leaps and bounds, changing adult educators’ and institutions’ perception of capacity building to deal with the move to digital education and digitally based resources. One of the paradigms most impacting our daily lives is the adaptation of existing courses using assistive technologies, which can overcome dyslexic students’ limited access to large-scale courses. Despite the tangible benefits of innovative approaches to teaching, there are serious gaps:
- Lack of knowledge and awareness about adult dyslexia;
- Lack of a common learning and teaching mechanism and relevant standards.
- Adequate information sharing between adult education providers
- lack of tools to personalise and enhance curricula and provide the necessary educational resources, including digital ones.
The project aimes at:
- enforcing the understanding that dyslexia is a widespread phenomenon in Europe and worldwide and it requires a coordinated response;
- providing adult educators with the technical competence they need to teach in more efficient ways;
- Increasing educators’ knowledge to identify the distinguishing symptoms of adult dyslexia and understand how the condition differs in manifestation and degree of difficulty;
- facilitating adults with dyslexia to increase their confidence in reading and writing, to improve their quality of work and thus to be able to function and learn independently;
- increasing the quality and relevance of activities in the adult dyslexia field, provided by partner organisations; to expand their networks, raise their capacity to cooperate at transnational level, enhancing internationalization of their action.
Target group
- Adult Educators
- Adult people with dyslexia
Project results
- Output 1 (WP2) aims to develop a Handbook on Common Dyslexia Signs and Remediation Strategies addressed to adult educators, that will provide a general understanding of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia as well as the most effective dyslexia strategies for remediation.
- The main aim of Output 2 (WP3) is to develop and deliver a training package comprising of 5 video-modules.
- The aim of Output 3 (WP4) is to create and develop an online platform that will serve as an e-learning space.
Education In Progress, Messina, Italy (coordinator)
University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Eurospeak, Dublin, Ireland
European Knowledge Spot, Athens, Greece
Asociacia Dyslexia, Ruse, Bulgaria
Danmar Computers, Rzeszów, Poland
Project website: https://dygi4adu.eu/