Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000024964
Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
The DISCERN project is targeting VET institutions to develop a competence framework concentrating on the topics of circular economy, climate change and sustainable development, taking into consideration the digital transformation of the entire EU economic&social environment. This framework will be a basis for developing training content and building an online course for equipping with, but also providing guidance on and initially assessing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of VET trainers and managers of VET organisations in the respective areas. Another group to benefit from the project are SMEs and start-uppers and would-be entrepreneurs. Thus, they will be provided with materials and guidance supporting their professional activities that are in compliance with the strategies of sustainable development and respecting the new postulates of the EU on ecological transition in a digital world.
Target groups:
- VET institutions
- VET Trainers and managers of VET organisations
- SMEs, start-uppers and would-be entrepreneurs.
Project results:
- R1: Guide for VET providers to Foster Circular Economy Entrepreneurship with SMEs– The aim of the guide is to define the framework for developing of the training content for PR1 and PR2.
- R2: SME CE Skills & Readiness Verification Tool. – The Verification Tool will operate in a sequential manner, where its activities are divided into three distinguishable levels.
- R3: Customised Digital Circular Economy Space for SMEs – The CE Coach is a digital training resource in the form of an m-Learning platform.
Camera De Comert Si Industrie Bistrita Nasaud – Bistrita, Romania (coordinator)
Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau LTD – MECB – Iklin, Malta
Municipio de Lousada – Lousada, Portugal
Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Tarragona, Spain
Univerza V Mariboru – Maribor, Slovenia
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Project website: https://www.discern.erasmus.site