Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033591
Implementation period: 01-11-2021 – 01-11-2023
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
Aid Kit’s aim is to teach trainers how to create motivating digital distance courses for adult learners, specifically vulnerable groups, in non-formal learning programs. Thus, the top priority of Aid Kit is to upskill and improve the competencies of educators and adult educators staff by teaching them more attractive teaching methods to produce high-quality non-formal online adult education. Furthermore, by digitizing their classes, trainers will achieve the goal of Aid Kit of paving a better path for students to become independent learners.
Target groups:
- Adult educators working with vulnerable group learners
- Vulnerable group adult learners
Project results:
- R1: Motivational Guidebook of Best Practices – best practices handbook that will serve as guidance for trainers on how to motivate adult learners in digital non-formal learning programs.
- R2: Curriculum of Non-Formal Methodologies for Online Learning – easy-to-replicate curriculum with 5 units based on digitally suitable methodologies for adult education programs, developed by trainers/education providers working in the project.
- R3: Course Piloting for Adult Education Professionals – a training course for adult educators to take the skills learned from the curriculum and apply them in creating their own training units suited for their learners’ needs.
- R4: Interactive Learning Space and Video Forum – these learning platforms will be made to support the professional development of adult educators and keep vulnerable groups of learners engaged in distance learning.
Iberika Education Group – Berlin, Germany (Coordinator)
Asociatia Bridge Language Study House – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
MHT CONSULT APS – Elsinore, Denmark
DANMAR – Rzeszów, Poland
Project website: https://aid-kit.erasmus.site/