Partnership for vocational activation ANIMATOR
Project number: EQ/025/A/d1/2005, EQ/025/A/d2/2005, EQ/025/A/d3/2005
Implementation period: 11.2004 – 03.2008
Project description
The main objective of the “Animator” was equal opportunities in the labor market through the development and testing of effective methods of activating the unemployed. The partnership ANIMATOR had geographical nature. As a result of a unique partnership was created, effective system of cooperation between organizations from different sectors working to mitigate barriers and discriminatory practices in local labor markets.
The axis of this system was the concept of animator and local partnerships bringing together representatives of the main actors of the labor markets. Model support for the project “ANIMATOR” was to create a group of leaders – people who in the course of the project have acquired sufficient knowledge, and exercised individual discriminated groups. Support was directed not only to individuals, but included the whole family and the environment. The proposed activities have developed effective methods of mobilization of local communities relevant to the needs of the local market and meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups. Such a system has been tested during operation of small 15 – 20 groups of unemployed people conducted by the team, with 5 representing the three areas of the region: the post-industrial area – Tarnobrzeg district, the post-PGR area – Bieszczady district, the rural area – Rzeszów district. The target group were people with disabilities, unemployed women aged 25-34 years, young people under 25 years of age, remaining unemployed of more than 1 year, unemployed men over 45 years old, single mothers of children up to 7 years of age. The project allowed unemployed to improve their skills appropriately to identified deficiencies including training and advice: depending on the needs (computer training, language specialist), driving courses, assistance in finding a job, career counseling, assistance in preparing resumes and cover letters, subsidies for people who want to start own business, business consulting . The partnership realized there were 3 transnational cooperation agreement (TCA): ROMA, PEGASES, NOVA.
Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (lider)
Bieszczadzka Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego
BD Center Consulting
Danmar Computers
Podkarpacka Wspólnota Organizacji Socjalnych PoWOS
Podkarpacki Klub Biznesu
Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Tarnobrzegu
SDS w Ustrzykach Dolnych
Stowarzyszenie na rzecz kobiet poszukujących pracy „Victoria”
Stowarzyszenie „Wsparcie” z Nowej Dęby
Stowarzyszenie „B-4″
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
Zespół Szkół Kształcenia Ustawicznego w Krośnie