Project number: 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079089
Implementation period: 01.10.2020 – 30.09.2022
Project description
Agriculture, forestry & rural context – these are the 3 sectors the B-LAND project is especially addressing.
But what is the project actually about?
The main aim of the B-LAND project is to assist VET educators of low-skilled to become successful entrepreneurs, focusing on small business development. The partnership aims to increase vocational competences of teachers/trainers of entrepreneurship through an innovative pedagogy and approach to teaching with the use of interactive and innovative mobile learning application, applied for agriculture, forestry & rural context.
The following results will be created and implemented by the end of the project implementation period:
- Competence Framework For Entrepreneurial Learning in Rural Context
- Training course structure and materials development for 5 learning modules
- Best Practices Guide on Entrepreneurial Training & Personal Development in Rural Areas
The main output of this project will consist of multilingual INSTANT ACCESS MOBILE CLASSROOM in the form of 5 short learning modules for innovative VET curricula that will address the most important topics on entrepreneurship education: business modelling, design thinking, business planning or use of ICT tools. Moreover, it will focus on a pedagogical approach on how teachers can develop their skills of personalizing learning and making it more engaging and relevant to young adults from rural areas.
What is more, the B-LAND project approach will prove significant in ensuring people’s enjoyment of motivation and engagement with learning enhancement of their skills. This innovative e-learning approach will be completed by BEST PRACTICES GUIDE, that will contain cases of experienced VET and Formal Education Teachers/Trainers, in order to guide educators on how to equip their students with knowledge and skills relevant for entrepreneurship and personal development.
Project website: http://b-land.eu/
Coordinator – University of Forestry (Bulgaria)
University of Thessaly (Greece)
Valencia INNO HUB (Spain)
LOGICA (Bulgaria)
Biognosis (Greece)
Association for the Regional Initiatives Development ARID (Poland)
Danmar Computers (Poland)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein