Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-VET096058
Implementation period: 01.03.2021 – 31.08.2022
Project description
The main objective of the project is to improve the implementation of the insertion itineraries in which young people participate, who are often from demographic groups with some situation of social vulnerability such as youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, newly arrived immigrants with difficulties for cultural and linguistic adaptation, ethnic minorities, youth with economic difficulties, and other problems that may lead to social exclusion.
As a response to the shortcomings of the current youth programmes, the looming increase of youth unemployment, the connected social exclusion of the most vulnerable youth and the need for more innovative digital practices in youth services, the partnership proposes to develop the digital Able4work App that facilitates the mentoring, guidance and contact between youth workers and NEETs and is a support tool to adapt more efficiently to the target groups’ needs. The COVID19 crisis makes this tool even more necessary as the current situation often restricts personal contacts and face-2-face support, leaving the most vulnerable youth on their own in an exceedingly difficult situation.
The project directs its work at the following two Target Groups:
- Target Group A: youth workers who work as mentors/trainers with disadvantaged youths and NEETs, performing socio-labour integration programmes and offer support, advice, guidance and training for vulnerable youth
- Target Group B: youth between 18-35 years that are unemployed or NEETs, and are in some situation of social vulnerability
Project website: https://able4work.com
Coordinator: Asociación para el Estudio y Promoción del Bienestar Social – Spain
Sea Teach S.L. – Spain
Danmar Computers – Poland
Knowl Social Enterprise for Education and Lifelong Learning – Greece
Multitude i Gävle AB – Sweden
Werkstatt-Berufskolleg Unna – Germany