Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063804
Implementation period: 01-10-2019 – 30-09-2021
Project description
INCREASE is a project, aiming to address current and important needs of low-skilled adults and SMEs in Europe. It is a direct response to reported employment risk due to automation processes, and the obstacles SMEs are facing in order to stay innovative. INCREASE will develop resources supporting SMEs in overcoming innovation barriers, increasing their innovativeness and competitiveness, and equipping adults with the essential intrapreneurship skills.
This project aims at providing non-R&D employees with relevant innovation skills, building their awareness of the importance of innovation for their professional growth and employability, developing entrepreneurial mind-set and building awareness on how to introduce innovation.
Project target groups:
- Low-skilled non R&D staff from sectors specifically defined as in high automation risk (manufacturing, service, crafts) and SME managers.
- Future users (adopters) of solutions, such as adult education and HR organisations.
The following results will be created and implemented by the end of the project:
- Self-Assessment methodology and tools
- Methodology in innovation oriented intrapreneurship
- Training Methodology and Guide
- Online platform
- Best Practice Guide
Project website: https://increase.erasmus.site/
E&D Knowledge Consulting LDA (Portugal)
Asociación Valencia Inno Hub (Spain)
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT (Finland)
Warp Innovation (Austria)
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów (Poland)
Asociatia de Dezvoltare Economico-Sociala (Romania).