Project description
The We Tomorrow project focuses specifically on early school leavers and “seniors”. The project wants to combine the work of both groups in order to intercultural / intergenerational education and (lifelong) learning.
The main objectives of We Tomorrow project are:
- Creation of a Digital Compendium on-line,
- Creation of 11 Virtual Content Packs aimed at elderly people based on 10 cultural / historical events that occurred in the past of the participants, their city / country. (Cultural Heritage). Packs prepared by the students of FP,
- Creation of glasses with recycled material to visualize RV contents.
Project website:
Stucom SA – Barcelona, Spain (coordinator)
SOSU Nord, Social- og Sundhedsskolen i Nordjylland – Aalborg, Denmark
Danmar Computers sp z o.o. – Rzeszow, Poland
Graphistes de l’Ombre – Marseille – France
ROC Da Vinci College – Dordrecht – Netherlands
The Isle of Wight College – Newport, United Kingdom

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.