Project number: 2018-1-TR01-KA203-059739
Implementation period: 01-09-2018 – 31-08-2021
Project description
Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies offer significant opportunities for designing and manufacturing stages to detect errors. As a result, it contributes to eliminating irreversible errors in the later stages proces which can lead to product recall.
When integrated into the RP design and manufacturing processes, the probability of design change after product manufacturing is reduced. It is possible to see the prototype of the product before final production and to identify possible defects. It is a fact that with the development of RP technology, product controls during the design phase have become more efficient and this has led to lower product costs. This means productivity in production.
Inclusion of rapid prototyping approaches (3D scanning, modelling and printing) into design and production processes is one of the most important of new age production technologies. So, Rapid Prototyping should, in this respect, be seen as an integral part of the engineering education.
In this project, we aim to develop and transfer the developments in the RP field to engineering education in the near future with a strong consortium.
The main project goals are:
- To establish a common curriculum between the engineering faculties of the EU countries for RP technologies which has begun to have an important role in engineering education.
- To contribute to the standardization of curriculum and lesson content which would eliminate the differences between the countries in engineering education.
- To promote innovative implementations in engineering education on an international scale.
- To promote integration of outputs of Industry 4.0 into engineering education on an international scale.
- To enable development of adequate curriculum and educational materials for students to receive training that would allow them to develop RP applications
Under this project, summer/winter schools, workshops, training seminars will be organized to achieve project targets.
Who will benefit from this project?
Target sector of the project is the engineering faculties providing education in RP or in the fields similar to the subject.
However, target group is the academic members, students and personnel of the engineering faculties providing RP education.
Project website: TBA
GAZI UNIVERSITESI (Turkey) – project coordinator
Danmar Computers LLC (Poland)
GODESK S.R.L. (Italy)
Akademisyenler Birliği Derneği (Turkey)
Evropská rozvojová agentura, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
SC Ludor Engineering SRL (Romania)