Project description
Most of nowadays teaching methodology experts highlight that the key to effective learning is high level of students’ engagement and motivation. Engaged pupils demonstrate more effort, experience more positive emotions and pay more attention in the classroom. This is partly related to students intrinsic motivation levels but also to the skills and techniques employed by teachers, that can have a positive influence on their pupils engagement.
Project T-BOX was developed for teachers to help them improve their professional workshop and facilitate their work in terms of using effective techniques and activities, that help to hold students’ attention and retain high level of their engagement in the lesson. The partnership combines the efforts of 10 organisations (5 schools and 5 training providers) from five European countries (BG, PL, ES, PT, DK) in an attempt to create a unique and innovative education tool to support teachers in their daily work with V to VII grade pupils (according to our observations at school level, the level of demotivation across pupils in this stage of education has been steadily rising. The long term negative consequences from this trend being risk of early school leaving and/or low educational achievements). Abovementioned tool is called T-BOX cards (Teacher’s Box). In brief, it will provide a set of 25 cards, with descriptions of methods/activities for interactive work with pupils to be practiced in the classroom, which will raise pupils’ interest and motivation to learning. The activities will be grouped in categories, representing diverse education and training areas. Based on this set of cards, a mobile application will be developed (T-BOX app), enabling additional functions like rating, sharing and links to additional resources. Teachers using the T-BOX will have the opportunity to maintain positive, inclusive and creative learning environment, which will enhance participation of all learners.
Project website:
119 Secondary School “Academician Mihail Arnaudov” – Coordinator, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Escola Básica Gonçalo Mendes da Maia – Maia (Portugal)
APLOAD Lda – Maia (Portugal)
COLEGIO CARLOS V – Aguilas (Spain)
Defoin – Malaga (Spain)
Zespół Szkół w Głogowie Małopolskim – Głogów Małopolski (Poland)
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów (Poland)
Korup Skole – Odense (Denmark)
Champions Factory – Odense (Denmark)