Interactive Pool of tools for enhancing basic skills and key competences of adults

Interactive Pool of tools for enhancing basic skills and key competences of adults
Project number: 2016-1-RO01-KA204-024403
Implementation period: 15.09.2016 – 07.09.2018
* The project has been selected as Good Practice and Success Story by the panel of experts from the EU Commission. *

Project description

The subject area of the project concerned adult education, and activities planned were dedicated for those among adult learners, who had low level of basic skills (literacy, numeracy and digital). The main aim of the project was to increase the level of proficiency in those above-mentioned skills among low educated adults from Romania, Poland, Germany, Spain and Italy by September 2018.
To achieve this goal, the project partners established that they would:

  • make an analysis of existing Open Educational Resources (OER) and good practices supporting the educational process of low skilled adults;
  • develop Interactive Pool (package) of those tools in a form of on-line database, allowing for categorisation and assessment of existing tools and addition of new ones, as well as making recommendation for other uses;
  • write the Guide to Interactive Pool, so that users would be able to use it independently;
  • disseminate the outcomes in order to assure their exploitation also in other European countries and different fields of education.

Project website:


Asociatia Centrul De Dezvoltare Arad – Arad, Romania (coordinator)
Danmar Computers LLC – Rzeszów, Poland
Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. – Cham, Germany
Centrum Kształcenia Edukator Sp. z o.o. – Rzeszów, Poland
Confederacion Espanola De Centros De Ensenanza Asociacion C.E.C.E. – Madrid, Spain
A.C.L.I. Sede Provinciale di Firenze – Firenze, Italy

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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