Project description
Knowledge of foreign languages at school level is an important aspect that brings more and more attention. According to the experiences of schools that have decided to implement a whole school policy on plurilingualism, the whole process is much easier when all people involved (teachers, decision makers, parents) support each other.
The main goal of the Plur>E project was to implement a whole school policy on plurilingualism in schools taking part in the project. Moreover, this policy has been embedded in the international context, allowing for collaboration between multiple teaching units.
During the project lifetime, reports from implementing a prototype whole school policy had been created, together with the assessment of these deployments along with an in-depth analysis of students’ approach to plurilingual classes. Based on the information gathered, the partnership will elaborated a set of recommendations for decision makers responsible for school development. Additionally, a set of online modules was created, allowing teachers and students to exchange experiences and information related to plurilingualism in school.
Project website:
Institute of Technology Tralee – Tralee, Ireland (coordinator)
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt – Darmstadt, Germany
University of Turku – Turku, Finland
HLW Rankweil – Rankweil, Austria
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Ardscoil Rís – Limerick, Ireland
Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium – Koln, Germany
Esenler Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi – Istanbul, Turkey
Fachoberschule für Tourismus und Biotechnologie – Merano, Italy
Klassisches, Sprachen-und Kunstgymnasium mit Landesschwerpunkt Musik “Walther von der Vogelweide” – Bolzano, Italy
Gymnasien Meran – Merano, Italy