Project description
EntrInno project was addressed to young adults (aged 18 – 35). In effect of project implementation, an educational on-line game had been created. This game will served the development of entrepreneurial and leadership skills as well as innovation, creativity and cooperation.
At the beginning, the partners had conducted research about existing pedagogical models for fostering entrepreneurial and innovation skills, about training needs of young people as well as evaluation of existing games in the field of promoting entrepreneurial and innovation skills. The state of art report was created which served as the basis for the game. The game was made available via computers and mobile devices.
The project envisaged wide dissemination of the game, among others, through the seminars that were organised in each country of the partnership and the European conference organised by the coordinator in Cyprus during the last two months of the project.
Project website:
CARDET – Lefkosia, Cyprus (coordinator)
CSV Marche – Ancona, Italy
KMOP – Athens, Greece
Kopin – Valetta, Malta
Inova Consultancy – Sheffield, United Kingdom
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Innovade – Nicosia, Cyprus
Socialiniu Inovaciju Fondas – Kaunas, Lithuania
CDA (Arad Development Center) – Arad, Romania