Project description
The main aim of the project was to seek recovery in the construction sector, promoting the sector as a new business in the future, accessible at local and EU level.
GREEN SKILLS project defined a new model of sustainable and competitive construction that created new jobs specialising in new market demands. This model was transferred to be used by public entities and private companies. Moreover, project provided entities, training institutions and training path associations with tools to adapt the profile of construction professionals and workers to new job demands. GREEN SKILLS project created of a joint collaboration network with local authorities, employment agencies, construction businesses and associations and under qualified professionals to generate productive and commercial management synergies.
European Office of Cyprus Association – Cyprus
Federación Valenciana de Empresarios de Construcción – Spain
GATE 21 – Denmark
Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación – Spain
Polski Związek Pracodawców Budownictwa – Poland
Viesoji Istaiga Vilniaus Statybininku Rengimo Centras – Lithuania
Danmar Computers – Poland
Pacto Territorial para la Ocupación de la Ribera – PATER – Spain