Project description
VALE project was developed to effectively counter the problem of underrepresentation of women as management board members across the EU. The aim was to develop and provide knowledge and skills in management and leadership to the widest possible audience.
At the same time, the project focused on raising awareness about the ECVET (European Credit System in Vocational Education and Training). During the two years, the partners organized four workshops for the target group. They created a portfolio of business women leadership skills and an E-guide that summarised the results of the project. Thanks to the knowledge of ECVET principles and greater possibility of skills validation, the partners encouraged the target group to increase mobility and direct their attention towards job opportunities or self-employment within and beyond the borders of their own countries.
Cap Ulysse – Bordeaux, France
Cyprus Federation Of Business Professional Women – Limassol, Cyprus
Danmar Computers – Rzeszow, Poland
Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation S.L. – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain