Project description
The main objective of the ToHealth project was the transfer and update of knowledge in biomechanics, regulatory affairs, and medical devices. The project aimed at companies and organizations involved in the production, development and certification of medical devices.
The project delivered an online training course with the following main contents: medical Devices regulation, human body biomechanics and medical device specifics. This way, ToHealth provided and enhanced skills and knowledge of European manufacturing professionals who were planning to diversify to the healthcare technology sector and also to those who were already in the sector.
Project website:
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia – Valencia, Spain
University d’Annunzio New Enterprise Technology – Torrevecchia Teatina, Italy
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Tecno-Med Ingenieros – Barcelona, Spain
Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria – Madrid, Spain