Personalised e-Commerce Strategies for SMEs – PECOS4SMEs
Project number: 527562-LLP-2012-GR-LEONARDO-LMP
Implementation period: 01.2013 – 12.2014
Project description
PECOS4SMEs transformed Web 2.0 trends into applicable tools, which the SMEs can use to change sales and marketing strategies and new types of organisation and knowledge about e-Commerce technologies in a future world dominated by pervasive Internet. PECOS4SMEs provided SMEs with the SEO/SEM skills they need to be in position to take advantage of Web 2.0 to increase their business and grow by utilising the full potential of e-Commerce, especially cross-border commerce.
Utilising PECOS4SMEs SMEs improving their ICT and methodological competence and are be able to establish an e-Commerce strategy that best suits their business (e.g company blog, Twitter account, attaching “Dig This” and “Tweet This” tags to the end of articles, social networking and viral videos through YouTube etc.). The project concerned the development of innovative practices (hands on training under an action plan specifically designed for SMEs) for the personalization of the training to SMEs depending on their specific characteristics. The e-Commerce experiences of the more advanced participating countries had been transferred to the less progressed enthusiasts who need to be able to enhance their Internet skills in order to compete in cross-border e-Commerce. More information can be found at the project’s website: pecos4smes.eu.
Eurocea Merchant Srl – Milano, Italy (coordinator)
Crystal Clear Soft – Athens, Greece
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
European Business & Innovation Centre Network – Brussels, Belgium
FAVINOM Conultancies – Nicosia, Cyprus
OAKE Associates Ltd. – Manchester, UK
Ohennennoh BV – Amsterdam, Netherlands