Getting Health & Safety Across Europe – H&S@work
Project number: 2012-1-IT1-LEO05-02795
Implementation period: 10.2012 – 09.2014
Project description
The main aim of the project was to transfer the results of the original programme “Communicating Safety” carried out by the coordinator. The project transferred to European level the basic programme and tools of “Communicating Safety”. The process involved the actors of VET systems, social partners, trade unions, public and private companies and schools, with updating courses addressed to workers (women and immigrants too) and teachers, specific informative actions and awareness raising on dedicated topics targeted to students, companies and entrepreneurs.
Result of the project is to increase the level of competence in the matter of H&S at EU level to guarantee a lowering of the accident at the workplace and to assure a good expertise in H&S@work to people that work in EU SMEs with particular attention to target groups at social exclusion risk (immigrants who work in sector at risk-building/mechanics/agriculture; young people that have to enter in the Labour Market: women who work in specific sector, unemployed).
More information can be found at the project’s website: arch.danmar-computers.com.pl/healthandsafetyatwork/.
Agenzia Liguria Lavoro – Genova, Italy (promoter)
Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo – Livorno, Italy (coordinator)
Provincia di Livorno – Livorno, Italy
Sfera – Livorno, Italy
Pole Emploi Corse – Ajaccio, France
Danmar Computers, Rzeszów, Poland
Oake Associates – Manchester, UK
Green Network – Vejle, Denmark