Exploring the Methods Supporting Active Ageing at European Level – Explore-Activate
Project number: 2012-1-TR1-GRU06-36013 6
Implementation period: 08.2012 – 07.2014
Project description
The objective of the project was to contribute to raising the awareness among the local older people about the concept of ‘Active Ageing’. During two years of the project implementation, the partners shared experiences, points of view and opinions about the ways to make seniors more active citizens. In each partner country good practices of active ageing was found and together with case studies were published.
Specific aims of the project were to disseminate the results to the professionals working with seniors on order to improve their knowledge and teach about innovative practices in European dimension, to raise the public sensitivity and awareness among seniors, their family members, professionals working with seniors, local and public authorities. Important aim of the project was also to educate older people about the concept of Active Ageing and show them the ways how they can benefit from becoming more active. In general the project caused public awareness on challenges and opportunities in the process of aging. More information can be found at the project’s website arch.danmar-computers.com.pl/explore-activate.
Izmir Valiligi – Izmir, Turkey (coordinator)
Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. – Cham, Germany
Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen – Klagenfurt, Austria
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Polska
ARIADNE – Menzingen, Switzerland
Fundacion Instituto Gerontologico Matia – Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain