Real and Virtual Texture – RAVT
Project number:
Implementation period: 10.2005 – 09.2007
Project description
RAVT project was aimed at coaches, employees and managers in four different geographical and cultural contexts, Latvia, Poland, the UK and Italy. As part of the project was created training model, possible to use by different groups of learners in different countries of the European Union.
RAVT training system uses a blended learning approach and suggests the possibility of using ICT and multimedia to cope with social isolation and marginalization of people with disabilities. The project has created a website with e-learning section which is a place of learning and communication.
Centre for the Creative Development (CESIE) – Palermo, Italy (coordinator)
Centro Danilo Dolci – Rzym, Italy
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
e2000 International – New Castle, UK
Toukan Europe – Manchester, UK
Tukums Centre – Tukums, Latvia