TAS – Leonardo da Vinci

TAS for AgriformE – Leonardo da Vinci – Pilot project
TAS for Agriform
Project number: I/04/B/F/PP-154120
Implementation period: 10.2004 – 09.2006

Project description

The project was designed for people involved in agriculture. Its main objectives are to develop an innovative approach to teaching through targeted teaching model, in particular the characteristics of the men and women involved in agriculture, including their social status, working conditions and professional skills in the field of production, quality, marketing and general management.
With this approach, the project has contributed to improvement of the business skills of the agricultural sector. The training created in framework of the project were tested with groups of farmers in Italy, Spain, Poland and Bulgaria.


Serifo srl – Naples, Italy (coordinator)
Academy of Learning – Essex, United Kingdom
Albatros & Delta Consulting – Malaga, Spain
Alsia Basilicata – Matera, Italy
Danmar Computers – Rzeszow, Poland
Entente UK – Birmingham, United Kingdom
FAFSEA – Paris, France
Plovdiv Regional Development Agency – Plovdiv, Bulgaria