Quality in Vocational Education – QUTE
Project number: SI/04/B/F/PP-146007
Implementation period: 10.2004 – 09.2006
Project description
The aim of the QUTE project was to create a self-assessment tool dedicated to people associated with education, i.e. teachers, coaches, instructors. It consisted of sets of questionnaires to enable not only the self-esteem through the answers to the questions, but also to compare their assessment with the assessment and evaluation of other teachers in the audience. The tool has been created within the project from the outset.
The partnership engaged in the creation of both the substantial dimension of the polls, as well as the technical implementation of software automatically counting and displaying the results. The tool was tested in the partner countries among groups of teachers, trainers and instructors working at different levels of the education system. They tested its performance in the professional schools, higher education and non-formal vocational education. Specially designed for users is a manual containing detailed, step-by-step instruction manual of the tool. A unique feature giving the opportunity to compare their results with those of other teachers was effective and motivating factor to improve the quality of their own work of those responsible for the teaching. A universal formula of questions allowed for the use of tools in various fields of vocational training.
Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for VET – Ljubljana, Slovenia (coordinator)
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna – Lodz, Poland
Careers Europe – Bradford, United Kingdom
Danmar Computers – Rzeszow, Poland
PIA d.o.o. Valenje – Valenje, Slovenia
Šolski center Velenje – Valenje, Slovenia
Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg – Erlangen, Germany
ZEUS Consulting S.A. – Patras, Greece