Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096057
Implementation period: 01.05.2021 – 30.04.2023
Assistance program: Erasmus+
Project description
The current COVID-19 crisis has greatly accelerated the need for modernisation and digital transformation of education and training systems across Europe. Reinforce the ability of education and training institutions to provide high quality, inclusive digital education has become a fundamental need.These are the main consequences of the global pandemic era, which will continue to affect the entire world. In order to make the transition to a circular economy systemic, profound and transformational in the EU and beyond, the project proposes to harmonize the separate collection system and a whole new range of sustainable services, products-as-a-service models and digital solutions that bring better quality of life, innovative jobs and improved knowledge and skills.
On the other hand, environmental protection is one of the biggest challenges of our time and there exists a clear interest and willingness among countries to engage in the development of tools and strategies throughout Europe.
It is common knowledge among environmental experts, pedagogues and practitioners that environmental education activities are still very difficult to be extended to upper secondary school. The main reason is that older students need a different style of communication, more adherent to their personal interests and based on a stronger use of new media and social networks.
Nature Park is an area where relevant economic activities such as agriculture, tourism, timbering and fishing take place in locations with great environmental sensitiveness, whose management requires the search for a continuous balancing and a dynamic equilibrium between human activities and conservation of biodiversity, a day-by-day application of the sustainability notion.
Target group
GET UP! is dedicated to Upper secondary school students and teachers. Thanks to GET UP!, students and teachers of different European regions are involved in the design of an educational tool, namely a serious game on nature parks management, to experiment gamification as an educational method and to deal with the challenges of environmental issues.
Project results
- IO1: Global and Local Environmental Scenarios Report – in form of Guidance on global and local environmental issues in the regions involved in the project avilable on the project website
- IO2: Local Protected Areas and Nature protection Scenario Report – digital document on the conditions of nature protection and parks in partners regions
- IO3: The use of gaming in Environmental Education – Guidelines – guidlines to connect the digital world with the education world
- IO4: Getup! Educational game – digital educational Game on parks managing and nature protection
- IO5: We really Getup! Guidelines for students to become „Park and Nature Ambassadors”
Project website: getup.erasmus.site
Low Carbon Economy – Castellon, Spain (coordinator)
In Europa – Modena, Italy
Gymnazium Karola Stura – Modra, Slovakia
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
eco&eco – Bologna, Italy
IES Botanic Cavanilles – Castellon, Spain
Enviromental Agency of Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland
Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale – Langhirano, Italy