DISSE – DIgital Storytelling on Sharing Economy

DISSE – DIgital Storytelling on Sharing Economy
Project number: 2021-11-SE01-KA220-ADU-EAA1272E
Implementation period: 01.11.2021 – 01.11.2023
Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description

The project Digital Storytelling on Sharing Economy, short DISSE, aims at reconsidering the concepts of ‘property’ and ‘sharing’ across Europe. Our society is facing quick and technology-driven changes. New technologies have been finding their way into all our living environments and the development of online platforms have made sharing easier than ever. Throughout Europe, many new business models on sharing have emerged, sharing and swapping has become a billion Euro market. As an economic factor, the sharing economy will likely become more and more important within the next few years. Hence, this relatively recent cooperative sharing economy needs to be included into the list of school topics. Pupils need to get a realistic view on the Sharing Economy and all its aspects and many facets.

Target groups:

DISSE’s main target groups are:

  • School teachers, student teachers and teacher trainers whose professional profiles will be upgraded and strengthened through their involvement in developing innovative teaching material and methods.
  • Adult learners as beneficiaries of teachers applying new teaching methods and fostering skills such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and open-mindedness to new ideas.
  • Teacher training institutions, Ministries of Education, regional school authorities as stakeholders to exploit the results to the project. All our target group will benefit of our transnational cooperation through the project results and through the TPM and LTTA.

Project results:

DISSE will generate results in accordance with four main project phases and two cross cutting Intellectual Outputs whose development will continue along these phases. The four phases are called: Fundamentals, Competence , Use and Exploitation.

The 1st phase mainly deals with preparing the conceptual and methodological basis of the project and will be concerned with the discursive establishment of the conceptual framework and building and intensifying networks. The 2nd phase mainly deals with building up competences within and around the target group, project staff and the closer network. The 3rd phase focusses on testing and using the DISSE framework in Classroom Workshops. The 4th phase focusses on extensive exploitation activities.

The two Intellectual Outputs are called:

  1. Best Practices on Sharing Stories
  2. Digital Storytelling Classrooms


Wise Academy – Szwecja – (coordinator)

Archivio della Memoria – Włochy

European Learning Centre – Hiszpania



Associazione Progetto Mediterranea – Włochy


Project website: https://www.disse-project.eu/

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.