In December 2019 the project “DigiCulTS – Digital Culture for SMEs” started. For those who are not yet familiar with the subject matter of the project, please visit the website:
What’s new in the Digicults project?
The third partnership meeting was held in a hybrid form because not all partners could travel with regard to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the meeting, which lasted 2 days (27/28.10.2020), the project partners summarized their activities and planned the next steps in the project.
During the meeting, the project partners summarized the results of quantitative and qualitative interviews and identified 12 skills that will be adapted to the digital future of small and medium-sized enterprises. The project partners also started working on the DigiCulTS online course, which will contain interesting materials oriented towards the learner and his/her competences.
Stay tuned and follow our Hashtag #digicults on facebook, linkedin, twitter and instagram. The project partners will keep you posted on their national developments and progress, in national languages and/or in English.
Make sure to follow our new Facebook-Page @digicultsforSME!