IN2STEAM – Inspiring Next Generation of Girls through Inclusive STE(A)M Learning in Primary Education
Project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA201-063173
Implementation period: 01.09.2019- 31.08.2022
Project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA201-063173
Implementation period: 01.09.2019- 31.08.2022
Project description
IN2STEAM aims to enhance, encourage and foster innovative educational approach that integrates STE(A)M learning (applying art and design principles to science education) in primary education through gender-inclusive methods and resources to promote a positive change of attitudes towards non–stereotyping choices in education in order to attract more girls into STEM fields.
Specific objectives:
- To increase the competence development of teachers and educators to effectively teach and expose (STE(A)M) concepts to young children at primary school, with a focus on girls, so to creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving competences;
- To increase and nurture girls’ interest in STEM fields through the development of gender-inclusive teaching methods and open resources focused on (STE(A)M) learning in primary education with a real-world context;
- To support the interest in STEM disciplines by adopting an inclusive teaching methodology that motivates young girls to develop their potential and motivation for a future career in the scientific field, contrasting gender stereotypes.
- To integrate a 21st century education strategy for developing more creative learning environments in primary schools through the adoption of interdisciplinarity (STE(A)M) learning approaches joined with gender inclusive practices in school curriculum.
Project outputs:
- Report on the Value of STE(A)M in Girls’ Education
- Online Training Curriculum in STE(A)M learning and gender sensitive practices
- Digital Teacher’s Toolkit (DTT) with STE(A)M Activity Kit for Primary School
- European Charter and Impact Report
Target group:
- Primary School Teachers
- Primary School Pupils 8-11 years old
- Schools – integrated STE(A)M framework
- School Education Decision Makers & communities
- STEAM professionals
CESIE – Italy – Coordinator
Danmar Computers Sp. z o.o. – Poland
INOVA+ – Portugal
CARDET – Cyprus
Website: https://in2steam.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/in2steam

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.