KEYCOACH – Leonardo da Vinci

KEYCOACH – Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
Coaching skills for VET teachers for developing soft skills, key horizontal competences and entrepreneurship skills in VET students – KEYCOACH
Project number: 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-67690
Implementation period: 10.2013 – 09.2015

Project description

The aim of KEYCOACH was to provide VET tutors and mentors with the required abilities and knowledge to coach their students in acquiring, developing, maintaining and growing the soft skills related to transversal key competences. Furthermore it provided training on coaching techniques and promote the implementation of regular coaching programmes and the creation of new trainings on key competences in soft skills for VET students.

The result of the project enabled the improvement of the quality and the innovativeness of the VET system and raised awareness for the need of training VET teachers in fostering transversal key competences. Main means of achieving given results were adaptation, translation and digitalization of an existing Training Programme tailored to the identified needs of 5 different countries, and provided as an open self-learning tool based on Blended Learning methodology.

Project website:


Asociación de la Industria Navarra – Pamplona, Spain (coordinator)
Diocesane Pedagogische Begeleidingsdienst Bisdom Brugge – Bruges, Belgium
Centro de Formação de Escolas do Concelho de Almada – Almada, Portugal
VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras – Šiauliai, Lithuania
Fundatia Professional – Târgu Mureş, Romania
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
European network for transfer and exploitation of EU project results – Graz, Austria

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.