Fourth and last partners’ meeting within GOLIC GUIDE took place on 26 and 27 April this year. The meeting was hosted by YouNet – project partner from Italy. On the first day of the meeting, partners summarized completed activities concerning the development of language courses, that had been made available on the project’s m-learning platform. The partners agreed on a detailed plan concerning the testing phase for the achieved outcomes: testers’ recruitment proceedings were discussed, evaluation forms and reports templates were developed. The agreed minimum number of tourist guides, from each partner country, who will be asked to test the course is 25.
Another topic, that received much attention was the organization of multiplier events. They will be organized in July and October, in Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Turkey and Italy. The final part of the meeting was devoted to the project’s closure and development of the Final Report. All the partners admitted, that the last two years have passed very quickly, but the outcomes reached show, that the time spent on the project has been well utilized.
Changing lives. Opening minds.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.