PECOS4SMEs Project successful conclusion



PECOS4SMEs project delivered high quality e-Commerce training material, reviewed by experts, helping SME’s to boost their e-Commerce potential increasing turnover from cross border sales, while reducing their operating costs. By utilizing the PECOS4SMEs training system SMEs now have the opportunity to implement e-Commerce strategies addressing their needs, in order to fully exploit the benefits deriving from the use of the Internet as a revenue channel.

PECOS4SMEs Main Accomplishments

  • PECOS4SMEs Genie: The e-Commerce Genie is a training platform through which an SME can create its own personalised e-Commerce strategy based on its individual characteristics. This training automated platform is available in six languages (EN, PL, GR, IT, PL, NL, FR) and anybody can use it. The platform can be found:  here.
  • e-Commerce Blog: Read in this multilingual blog various news and updates regarding e-Commerce practices, tips and various other information.
  • e-Commerce Game: By playing this fun game you will be able to assess and improve your knowledge regarding e-Commerce aspects. Click here to download.
  • e-Commerce Reports, Statistics and Guides: During the lifetime of the project many reports and studies have been elaborated in order to illuminate various e-Commerce aspects; from the current outlook of the EU countries with regards to e-Commerce to practices and tools that when implemented, lead to the optimal operation of an e-store.
  • International Conference: The PECOS4SMEs international conference took place in Amsterdam (NL) in which acclaimed e-Commerce experts discussed with the participants about common issues and offered their valuable insights.

and many more… See the complete list by clicking here.  

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.